Participate in Advisory Committees

Poll Worker Advisory Network meeting at the Department of Elections


San Francisco is a dynamic city made up of a diverse array of people and communities, each with unique needs. To better understand and meet these needs, the Department of Elections strives to engage with San Francisco voters and involve community members in the design, delivery, and evaluation of our services. As part of this effort, we facilitate several advisory committees to support civic engagement and participation. By collaborating with community members and organizations, the Department is able to build a strong community network and improve our service to all San Francisco voters.

The Department is always looking to strengthen connections within the community. If you are interested in joining one of the existing committees or exploring new ways to collaborate with us, please contact us through our contact form or call us at (415) 554-4375.

Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Department of Elections hosts the Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC). The purpose of the VAAC is to advise the Department on accessibility issues and provide recommendations for improving access to voting and election materials for voters with disabilities and voters who are elderly.

Through collaboration with the VAAC, the Department has expanded information and access for voters with disabilities in San Francisco. The Committee has helped the Department to enhance the message used for targeted marketing materials; expand education and training for employees and poll workers who assist voters with disabilities, and increase the Department’s collaboration with community partners. Through continued cooperation, the Department strives to build lasting partnerships within the community and ensure that all voters have equal access to voting and election materials in San Francisco.

If you would like to join the VAAC, please complete the interest form below. A member of the Department’s Community Engagement Team will contact you with more information.

Voting Accessibility Advisory Interest Form

VAAC Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Schedule of Future Meetings

Day Date Time

Language Accessibility Advisory Committee

In Fall 2017, the Department created a Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC). The purpose of the LAAC is to provide recommendations for improving access to voting and election materials for members of language minorities and increasing outreach to communities where English is a second language. The LAAC will provide input on the Department’s services and programs in languages other than English and assist with developing targeted marketing messages and materials to increase education and engagement opportunities for minority-language communities throughout San Francisco. LAAC members will also serve as liaisons between the Department and these communities.

If you would like to join the LAAC, please complete the interest form below. A member of the Department’s Community Engagement Team will contact you with more information.

Language Accessibility Advisory Interest Form

LAAC Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Schedule of Future Meetings

Day Date Time

Poll Worker Advisory Network

The Poll Worker Advisory Network is comprised of San Francisco poll workers with diverse experience and years of service who help the Department improve poll worker recruitment, training, and Election Day materials and processes. Members meet as a focus group to identify ways in which the Department can continue to enhance the experience and training of Election Day volunteers, and by extension, improve the voting experience for San Francisco voters. Members also review and provide input on polling place signs and materials, such as instructions for operating the voting equipment, procedures for closing a polling place, and other Election Day collateral.

If you would like to join the Poll Worker Advisory Network, please complete the interest form below. A member of the Department’s Community Engagement Team will contact you with more information.

Poll Worker Advisory Interest Form

Poll Worker Advisory Network Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Schedule of Future Meetings

Day Date Time